Predestination and Paul

Question: If Predestination is not true, how do we explain the calling (drafting) of the Apostle Paul?


Depends here what you understand as “Predestined”!

If you are referring to the Calvinistic definition, IMO, that is not accurate to the Bible; and, even Calvin himself would not allow it to be written into the list of beliefs of his Church Organisation (see Link).

If you are referring to the concept in the Bible, then yes, that is true, because Almighty God knows the end from the beginning; and therefore “knows the decision you/one will make re. His Son” etc.

As regards your question on Paul; when he was accosted on the Damascus road; he replied to the Voice; “Who art thou LORD”; which shows that in his heart, he was already “in the Lord’s Body”; see (1Cor.15:20–49)!


CALVIN  (Study)

Calvin's Interpretation  (Study)

Calvin Teaching  (Study)



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